马鞍山市含山县FedEx国际快递公司 留学文件/行李送货到门
2024-10-16 15:42:13 fedex has launched a new route connecting the Vietnamese capital Hanoi with the FedEx Asia Pacific hub located in Guangzhou, China, to enhance import and export services in Hanoi. The new route will significantly improve the transportation time of all inbound flights from Hanoi, enabling it to provide next business day delivery services within the Asian region.The new route will use 757 freighters, with four flights per week between Guangzhou and Hanoi. Goods exported from Hanoi can reach China and other major commercial centers in Asia, including Singapore, Malaysia, and the Philippines, in just one business day. Goods shipped from Hanoi to Europe and North America will be delivered within two working days. For all international shipments to Hanoi, the transportation time will be reduced by one working day. Goods from Europe will arrive in Hanoi within two working days, while goods from North America will arrive within three working days.Chen Jialiang, President of FedEx China, said, "Vietnam, as an important partner of China's' Initiative ', has continuously strengthened investment and trade between China and Vietnam. In 2017, the bilateral trade volume between China and Vietnam was nearly 100 billion US dollars. In order to meet the growing transportation demand between China and Vietnam, we have opened a new route, which will further support the interconnection of Chinese and Vietnamese enterprises, promote bilateral trade exhibitions, and support the promotion of' Development Strategy 'Recently, a study commissioned by FedEx found that 58% of Vietnamese small and medium-sized enterprises export to the Asia Pacific market, while 80% export to other markets. The United States, China, India, and major markets in Europe are its main export destinations. Small and medium-sized business owners are optimistic about the sustained growth of exports, and the key factor for this growth is the support of logistics suppliers.In order to meet the constantly changing market demands, FedEx continues to adjust its network and routes in the Asia Pacific region. In April of this year, FedEx launched a new route connecting the FedEx Asia Pacific hub in Guangzhou with the FedEx Global hub in Memphis.
联邦快递近日新增从中国北京至美国安克雷奇的国际货运航线。新开通的航线从北京起飞,经停日本大阪,再飞往美国安克雷奇,并且连接位于美国孟菲斯的联邦快递超级转运中心。该航线从周一至周六,每周运营12个航班进出北京,为华北客户提供更多亚太和北美市场之间的货运连接。同时,全新航班进一步提升运力,为地区间的贸易往来提供新的支持与活力。联邦快递中国区总裁陈嘉良表示:“联邦快递致力于服务中国市场,通过不断拓展服务网络,帮助中国客户更高效、可靠地连接全球市场。全新的航线将极大地提升联邦快递在华北的运力,有助于推动华北地区,乃至中国与亚太和北美市场的贸易往来,帮助当地企业提升国际竞争力。”联邦快递始终投身于运营一线,凭借庞大的全球网络和自有机队优势,为全球提供稳定的供应链。 同时,联邦快递一直保持运营进出中国的日常航班,提供稳定的运力,为中国企业提供稳定可靠的运输服务。新增北京航线彰显联邦快递对中国市场的信心。受的影响,全球持续面临各种挑战,经济低迷。而中国对外贸易保持强劲势头,以跨境电商为代表的外贸新业态新模式快速发展,使得中国成为全球的B2C跨境电商市场,占全球26%的。北京是连接华北地区与全球的重要口岸。除了此次新增航线,联邦快递目前在北京还运营其他国际货运航线,连接韩国仁川和美国安克雷奇。全新的航线将使联邦快递每周进出北京的国际货运航班数量翻番,进一步拓展在华北的网络和运力,成为公司在中国发展的又一重要里程碑。联邦快递目前在每周运营超过300个国际航班,通过位于广州的亚太区转运中心和在中国的国际快件和货运中心,以及位于北京、中国、广州和深圳的四个国际口岸操作中心,将客户与联邦快递庞大的全球网络相连,为其提供快速可靠的快递服务。
自 2023 年 6 月 1 日起,若使用联邦快递国际优先服务1寄件,从中国寄往全球部分地区的货件托运时间将缩短。届时,您可以使用国际优先服务,将重要货件运送至全球主要市场和地区2,交付时间仅需1-2个工作日。
随着联邦快递国际经济服务3的恢复,您还可以将不太紧迫的货件从亚太市场寄往全球 170 多个市场和地区2,且能够实现在承诺日期当天结束前送达,让您安心无忧。
1. 联邦快递国际优先服务包括联邦快递国际特早快递服务、联邦快递国际优先快递特快服务和联邦快递国际优先快递服务。
2. 派送时间因市场而异,并视情况而定。有关具体的始发地和目的地详细信息,请查看我们的费率和运输时间页面。
3. 联邦快递国际经济服务包括联邦快递国际经济快递服务?、联邦快递国际经济快递?重货服务和联邦快递国际经济快递?分送快递服务。
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