
淮南市大通区FedEx国际快递公司 外贸提单/样品成品寄送

2024-10-16 15:54:19 星期三


  联邦快递FedEx的中文名称为美国联邦快递公司,它是美国的物流公司之一,在全球范围内有多家子公司,它最主要的业务地区也同样是美国,美国占了总体业务80%左右,它的优势在于运输的方式主要采用空运,目前已经拥有671架飞机,货物运输便捷高效。Fedex物流的优势1、再升国际快递重量受限小,对邮寄的产品,Fedex物流的重量受限较小基本上不限货物重量,但超出68kg的物品会收一个超载附加费用。经由Fedex快递寄送的货物,能够递送各种重量不同的物品。2、体积受限小,邮寄产品的体积受限都较小,长宽高要低于90厘米、长边需低于60厘米,稍大的包裹便无法寄送。而Fedex快递,一般能够寄送长宽高为3米的包裹,超出3米也能够寄送,但需要支付超长附加的费用。3、物流时效快,飞时达快递产品的物流时效都较慢,快的EMS快递寄送货物,也要5-12个工作日左右。而Fedex快递,总体签收时效3-7天,速递型、优先时效需2-5个工作日左右。4、信息详细,对比飞时达快递小包简单的信息服务,Fedex快递能提供更加详细、更加准确、更加安全的信息服务,能保证货物妥投5、售后服务赔付完善,Fedex快递的售后能够迅速确定货物情况进行赔付操作,工作流程短、操作较简单。联邦快递是一家国际性快递集团公司,具备隔夜快递、地面快递、大型货物运送、文件复印及物流服务。The Chinese name for FedEx is FedEx, which is one of the largest logistics companies in the United States with multiple subsidiaries worldwide. Its main business area is also the United States, which accounts for about 80% of its total business. Its advantage lies in the fact that transportation is mainly by air, and it currently has 671 aircraft, making cargo transportation convenient and efficient.

  Advantages of FedEx Logistics

  1. The weight limit for international express delivery is relatively small. For products shipped, FedEx logistics has a relatively small weight limit and basically does not limit the weight of the goods. However, items exceeding 68kg will incur an overload surcharge. Goods sent via FedEx express can deliver various items of different weights.

  2. The volume limitation is small, and the volume limitation for mailing products is relatively small. The length, width, and height must be less than 90 centimeters, and the long side must be less than 60 centimeters. Larger packages cannot be shipped. FedEx Express can generally send packages with a length, width, and height of 3 meters, and can also send packages exceeding 3 meters, but additional fees for extra length are required.

  3. The logistics time is fast, while the logistics time of postal products is relatively slow. Fast EMS express delivery also takes about 5-12 working days to send the goods. FedEx express delivery has an overall delivery time of 3-7 days, while express delivery and priority delivery require around 2-5 working days.

  4. Detailed information, compared to the simple information service of postal parcels, Fedex Express can provide more detailed, accurate, and secure information services, ensuring the delivery of goods

  5. The after-sales service compensation is complete, and Fedex Express's after-sales service can quickly determine the condition of the goods for compensation operations, with a short workflow and simple operation. FedEx is an international courier group company that provides overnight delivery, ground delivery, large cargo transportation, document copying, and logistics services.

  FedEx International Connect Plus (FICP) 之后,联邦快递扩大了其限日电子商务递送服务的使用范围。该服务现已在英国、德国、法国、意大利、西班牙、波兰、奥地利、瑞典、比利时和荷兰提供。消费者的购物方式每天都在变化,并迅速改变了零售格局。研究表明,一旦 COVID-19 爆发结束,49% 的购物者将更频繁地在线购物。预计今年全球在线支出将增长 14%,达到 2.96 万亿欧元[1],并且由于电子商务的这一显着增长,联邦快递正在为电子商务客户重塑其产品组合。通过为客户提供更广泛的电子商务服务套件,FICP 将通过将欧洲企业与全球和欧洲内部市场的更多客户联系起来,支持欧洲企业的增长之旅。扩大其欧洲电子商务能力是联邦快递欧洲增长战略的关键支柱。使用 FedEx International Connect Plus,在线企业能够以极具吸引力的价格为买家提供额外的国际运输选择。FICP 允许电子商务企业在 2-4 天之内接触到欧洲的在线购物者,3 天之内到达北美,3-5 天内到达亚太地区新服务具有 FedEx 国际限日递送服务的可靠性,以及 FedEx 的清关知识。其他支持功能包括跟踪、向收件人发送通知以及通过 FedEx Delivery Manager? 灵活更改交付选项,这为购物者提供了对其在线订单的可见性、更多控制和便利性。





  自 2023 年 6 月 1 日起,若使用联邦快递国际优先服务1寄件,从中国寄往全球部分地区的货件托运时间将缩短。届时,您可以使用国际优先服务,将重要货件运送至全球主要市场和地区2,交付时间仅需1-2个工作日。

  随着联邦快递国际经济服务3的恢复,您还可以将不太紧迫的货件从亚太市场寄往全球 170 多个市场和地区2,且能够实现在承诺日期当天结束前送达,让您安心无忧。



  1. 联邦快递国际优先服务包括联邦快递国际特早快递服务、联邦快递国际优先快递特快服务和联邦快递国际优先快递服务。

  2. 派送时间因市场而异,并视情况而定。有关具体的始发地和目的地详细信息,请查看我们的费率和运输时间页面。

  3. 联邦快递国际经济服务包括联邦快递国际经济快递服务?、联邦快递国际经济快递?重货服务和联邦快递国际经济快递?分送快递服务。

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